Lamongan Tourism Map |
In general, Lamongan District in East
Java's northern coast. Most of the coastal area of limestone
hills. In the middle there is a low-lying and undulating, and some marshy
ground contours. Solo
River also flows through
the district Lamongan. The village Sendang Duwur itself is located in Paciran sub-district, Lamongan district, East
Paciran Sub-district located on the North or the northern
coast, at coordinates 60 53 '6:07 "1120 South 19' 37.67" East,
including many areas of cultural heritage and also the path of Islam spread by
the Walisongo and the Sunan. Sub-district
of Paciran generally
located at a strategic location because it was on track Jl. Daendels.
First in the Hindu kingdom time of the north coast
of East Java is a trade area that has been recognized by traders from the
Nusantara as well as the merchants of the Middle East
who come stop, go and some even settled. Other than as traders, merchants, from
the Middle East or East Asia are also spread
Islam in the northern region and is caused in this area many historical nuances
of Islam broadcast by the Wali called the Sunan. Islam broadcast by the Wali or
the Sunan from East Java until Central Java and West Java
for the region Lamongan and around Islamic religious broadcasting entrusted to
Sunan Drajad and Sunan Sendang.