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Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Lamongan Tourism Map
In general, Lamongan District in East Java's northern coast. Most of the coastal area of ​​limestone hills. In the middle there is a low-lying and undulating, and some marshy ground contours. Solo River also flows through the district Lamongan. The village Sendang Duwur itself is located in Paciran sub-district, Lamongan district, East Java.
Paciran Sub-district located on the North or the northern coast, at coordinates 60 53 '6:07 "1120 South 19' 37.67" East, including many areas of cultural heritage and also the path of Islam spread by the Walisongo and the Sunan. Sub-district of Paciran generally located at a strategic location because it was on track Jl. Daendels.
First in the Hindu kingdom time of the north coast of East Java is a trade area that has been recognized by traders from the Nusantara as well as the merchants of the Middle East who come stop, go and some even settled. Other than as traders, merchants, from the Middle East or East Asia are also spread Islam in the northern region and is caused in this area many historical nuances of Islam broadcast by the Wali called the Sunan. Islam broadcast by the Wali or the Sunan from East Java until Central Java and West Java for the region Lamongan and around Islamic religious broadcasting entrusted to Sunan Drajad and Sunan Sendang.


        If we talk about Sendang Duwur village, then we could not escape the public of Drajat village. This is because between the two issues are indeed interrelated. In general people Drajat and Sendang Duwur have standards of living better if compared with other Lamongan society in the region of. Because besides as fishing in the west wind the society paciran also in the sectors of agriculture ( tillage ). Community income depending on the season, if in good season income communities can achieve approximately 200,000/week, being if the west wind (famine) community income is only 10,000/week.


Bentar Gate
Viewed in terms of islamic archeology , there are two forms of the gate, the temple gate called the Bentar Temple and the Kori Great (Paduraksa). Called the Bentar Temple because the temple resembles the cleaved and it is not a roof, while the so-called Kori Great have a roof. The placement of the two forms of the door is usually distinguished: the Bentar Temple is usually on the front, while the Kori Great placed in the middle. Examples of these doors can be encountered in the tomb complex Sendang Duwur. Though usually the doors of the yard there is a lot of temple. From this fact it can be concluded that the  Sunan Sendang Duwur in conveying the teachings of Islam are not directly opposed to culture or religion which embraced much of the day (hindu). But with a little mix up building styles so that people feel familiar and do not hesitate to enter it.


The Tomb of Sendang Duwur Students
Of the mosque Sunan Sendang Duwur continue to do this is the symbol of Islam. One of the teachings that are still relevant today is “mlakuho dalan kang bener, ilingo wong kang sak burimu(Javanese Language)” or if translated into English reads “Pass on the right path , and remember at people directly behind you”. Teaching of Sunan this urge someone to walk on the right path and if you already got the enjoyment, don't forget the alms. Because the teaching is a very selfish social side, It's no wonder if he had many students who want to learn him.
Wells near the entrance
In addition to the grave of Sunan Sendang Duwur, in the same complex, there is also the tomb of Sunan Sendang Duwur students which is particularly sacred by local people. In contrast to the tomb of Sunan Drajat crowded during the month of Ramadhan, pilgrimage to the grave of Sunan Sendang Duwur somewhat reduced at Ramadhan. However, the peak of the crowd of visitors is at the months before and after Ramadhan.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Atmosphere in The Sendang Duwur Mosque
    Site of the tomb of Sunan Sendang Duwur increasingly crowded visitors. In addition to having pilgrimage, they want to see the historical relics of one of Sunan influential in convey of Islam in Java Island it. On the east side of the grave Sunan Sendang Duwur there is a mosque. The mosque it is aged approximately 475 years. From the information of various sources mentioned, old mosque that keep the history with different other mosque construction.


Entrance grave
       If we paid a visit to the region of the northern coast of Lamongan we will find a religious sites in the form of a funeral complex which is located in a village is called Sendang Duwur. Sendang Duwur village is located in Paciran subdistrict, in Lamongan regency, East Java. About 1 kilometres on the westernside of Wisata Bahari Lamongan (WBL) or 8 kilometres in western side of tomb of Sunan Drajat. In this village we can find a funeral complex of disseminators of the religion of Islam, which is called Sunan Sendang Duwur. Sunan sendang duwur named native Raden Nur Rahmad are the son Kohar bin Abdul Malik bin Sultan Abu Yazid derived from Baghdad, Iraq.